【MV full】元カレです / AKB48 59th Single【公式】



※English translation follows after Japanese texts.
※The multiple subtitles are also available.

前作「根も葉もRumor」の“どえらいダンス”超えをテーマに掲げたAKB48 59枚目のシングル「元カレです」。
昨年行われた「東京2020パラリンピック」の開会式でのLED演出にも参加しており、演出ありきのシステム開発を行うことで これまでの概念にとらわれない新しいジャンルのパフォーマンスを生み出す “Lighting Choreographer(光の振付師)” を肩書きとしているが、MVの監督を務めるのは「元カレです」が初めて。藤本監督に話を聞いた。

今回のMVの話をいただいて、何か新しいプロダクトを取り入れたいと思い、MV中に登場する巨大なモノリスの造形物以外は、今回のMVのために新規開発をしました。バッテリー型のワイヤレスムービングライトを20基、LEDポールを40本、そして間奏で出てくるWAVING LED RIBBON(光るLEDのリボン)だったりです。


AKB48 dances the “GANMI dance” with flying lights which move around freely as though in an alternate dimension because the “Lighting choreographer” operates and calculates the effect perfectly.

The song, ‘Motokare Desu’ is the 59th single for AKB48 and they are aiming to get even better this time compared to their last single ‘Ne mo Ha mo Rumor’, which got famous with its “unbelievably amazing dance”.
Dance artist GANMI created the “GANMI dance” which attracts attention from the world as though people couldn’t stop staring at it.
This music video was directed by Minoru Fujimoto (MPLUSPLUS Co.,Ltd.,).
He participated in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games opening ceremony directing LED last year.
He calls himself a “Lighting Choreographer”. He builds system development which is purely based on directing these projects. He created a new genre of performance which is totally free from old concepts.
For him, this is his first time directing a music video. So, we asked him about the creation of the music video of ‘Motokare Desu’.

Minoru Fujimoto director:
There was a concept behind this music video. It was a story about, ‘Japanese high school girls who danced “Ne mo Ha mo Rumor” and won No.1 in a dancing competition in Japan and they made an entry into the world dancing competition representing Japan.’
When I accepted the offer to make this music video, I wanted to use something new. So, for this music video I created a totally new development except for the huge monolith figure which appears in the music video.
There are 20 wireless moving lights which are battery operated, and 40 LED poles, and waving LED ribbons which appear during the interlude.
I wanted to break the concept that the stage set is supposed to be still and “stand behind the performer”.
I wanted to create a music video which has a theme of uniting the artist and the space. Then the ribbon performer comes next to the face. The light dance with the performer is very synchronizing. We got this effect as the moving lights are wireless and we were able to put them inside the dance floor.
The LED poles changed its shape gradually and they copied the choreography of the performer’s right arm and left arm and danced with the performer.
Though the artist is the main character in the music video, this music video is about expanding its space.
I have been directing many live performances so I found so many similarities with AKB48 since they care so much about live shows including their theater performances. I created this music video as if you were watching a live show.
We already knew each other before on SNS but this was our first collaboration together. I am so happy that we understood each other and worked well together. There is the feeling that even if you keep watching the performance, you will find a new discovery every time you rewatch it.
So, I want people to watch the video many, many times. I don’t think I will find any other works which I can put so much passion towards making it more than this one. (Laugh)

The space which expands, with its constantly moving lights and performers inside the space, and the director and choreographer. This is a perfect AKB48 music video ever.


「元カレです」Dance ver.








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